地 址:寶安區鳳凰富源街213號旭達工業大廈B棟1樓
Q Q:540775041
- ● What are the requirements of the dust removal system for the automatic spraying line? Tengfei automatic spraying line 2017-09-04
- ● Tengfei Huang injection mold processing, why should we choose high-speed cutting? 2017-07-03
- ● What are the factors that affect the service life of injection mold? 2017-07-03
- ● Why do we use solvents in screen printing? 2017-06-08
- ● 絲印加工要選擇合適的絲網 2017-06-08
- ● Why is the surface of the electroplated products quite unstable? 2017-06-08
- ● What is the role of professional plating? 2017-06-08